Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is eligible to joint the Hilton Head Plantation Newcomers Club?
A: All residents of Hilton Head Plantation are welcome to join the Hilton Head Plantation Newcomers Club. Home owners, as well as renters are welcome.

Q: When and where are the social events?
A: Social events are held on the third Tuesday of the month, September through May (except December) at the Plantation House unless otherwise noted in the event emails

Q: How much does it cost to be a member?
A: Annual dues are $20 per person. Social events require a prepayment reservation to cover the cost of catering and entertainment.

Q: Is it appropriate to bring your young children to the scheduled social events?
A: Scheduled social events are planned to be of interest primarily to adults.

Q: Are board  meetings open to the membership?
A: Yes.